Safety Groups UK

Hazard Spotting Library


Suggested Uses and Benefits:

- Ice-breaker and as a warm-up at the start of meetings/events

- Engaging with people and promoting discussion

- To help create a more interesting and varied programme with visual content

- As part of a simple introduction to health and safety for SMEs and others

- To help communicate a key concept/message


Message to Safety Group Organisers:

- Encourage your members to provide pictures and perhaps present them at meetings

- Please submit pictures to SGUK for 'resource sharing'

- Your input and support for SGUK aims can be included in SGUK Award submissions


Ownership, copyright and rules for pictures:

- People and businesses not to be recognisable without their express permission

- Many pictures, particularly on the internet, have copyright - so seek permission to use

- Most HSE material may be re-used under the terms of the Open Government Licence (OGL)

For License conditions: