Discounts are available from Partner organisations for members of Safety Groups UK
SGUK do not officially endorse the use of any of these services.
ACT is a leading provider of health, safety and environmental solutions offering innovative tutor-led training courses, e-learning and publications. It also provides a variety of audit and consultancy services.
15% Discount with code SGUK15
Click here for further information
Croner-I is a market leader in online information, expert guidance, and tools for professionals. If you are a professional in the UK health and safety, manufacturing, and environmental management industries in the UK, Croner-i’s services are suited for you. As a member of Safety Groups UK, you are entitled to a free Croner-i Lite platform covering your relevant profession and industry, whether health and safety or environment management.
Click here for further information
RoSPA membership allows you to become part of our membership and global awards community, and each year we help thousands of health and safety managers, professionals, fleet managers, safety representatives and others with an interest in keeping people safe and healthy to build their knowledge and reach their goals.
50% discount on membership
Click here for further information