Safety Groups UK

Info for Groups



Here you will find an extensive resource covering all aspects of how Groups, both new and well established, are organised and run.

It includes examples of good practice which Groups have shared and which it is hoped will provide ideas for your own Group.

The 'Speaker Offers' will be of particular interest when meetings/events and annual programmes are being planned.

You will find content to include in your meetings/events such as 'hazard spotting' images to add visual interest and engage members.

If you would like to know more or receive a full or better copy of anything, please contact the particular Group (if identified) - see Local Groups for contact details or SGUK Contact Us.

Finally, please tell us about your own Group and send any examples of good practice, meeting/event programmes, newsletters etc. for inclusion in the SGUK newsletter and sharing with others.

Don't forget that what you do and share with others will help enhance your application for a SGUK Award.