These pages are the heartbeat of the LOcHER website. 
For Whom
They are designed:
- To support FE colleges, lecturers/trainers and their learners undertaking vocational courses and the associated health and safety module.
- To help deliver the aspirations set out on the landing page.
Other stakeholders including schools and industry have and are actively engaged with the approach and contributed to its development. They have greatly benefited from their involvement and won awards.
We want to support young learners:
- To get to know about health-related work hazards, risks and the related control measures in the broadest terms.
- To complete their health and safety modules.
- To take care of their health, as well as safety, when they enter the world of work.
These pages provide help and support (most of it was created by learners) on "practice and learn" to prevent work-related ill-health.
Occupational disease is a major problem. For many thousands of workers this can mean they experience life-altering, and in some cases, premature life-ending illness. Furthermore, it impacts on workers' families, GB businesses and society.
It is made easy by placing the materials in four main sections:
Online modules are ready to use. Each topic includes questions and answers for students to check their understanding. Lecturers may award a "SGUK Certificate of Commendation" when students complete a topic to an expected standard.
- Health and safety system online modules
- Health risks control online modules
- LOcHER examples
- LOcHER demonstration kit
Commendation Certificates
Learners actively engaging with the approach will be awarded commendation certificates by Safety Groups UK (SGUK) in association with respective learner's course leader/lecturer.
Lecturers, trainers and teachers, you may wish to present SGUK commendation certificates to your learners who are engaged with the LOcHER approach including the use of online modules. In that case, please email [email protected] to receive a Word Template of the Commendation Certificate. When writing please provide your contact details, vocational course details, which LOcHER online modules are being awarded for and the number of learners will be receiving the commendation certificates. These details will help us to evaluate the website and to publicise your involvement with the approach. We request that you update these details every academic year. Thank you.
Students and colleges have won awards:
- For their outstanding contributions to the approach and learning with LOcHER.
- For supporting the development of independent, autonomous learners through active engagement with health and safety learning relevant to their study.
SGUK invite FE colleges, schools, industry and students to apply for the "Development Through Education" awards competition when their H&S related activities (including LOcHER projects) meet the awards criteria set by SGUK. These can be found on the SGUK website. Colleges intending to apply may wish to speak to previous winners, see the Celebrating Achievements section.
Colleges may also consider applying for the RoSPA award categories. For more details visit RoSPA.