Safety Groups UK

Using the LOcHER approach

The Key Drivers                                                                               

"Occupational disease is a big problem. For some workers this can mean they experience life-altering, and in some cases, premature life-ending illness." HSE

So, HSE is seeking the active support of FE colleges and stakeholders to help reduce the burden of work-related ill health.

We invite you to use the ready-to-use Resources to help apprentices and other young learners.

In embracing the approach:

FE Colleges, their learners, curriculum managers, lecturers and health and safety professionals can play an important part in:

  • Learners' active learning.
  • Reducing the burden of work-related ill-health.
  • Developing learners' employment and life-skills.
  • Developing innovative and engaging ways to communicate hazard, risk, exposure control and behavioural change messages.
  • Contributing to colleges' 5Rs strategy - Recruitment, Retention, Results, Recognition and Rewards.

Please listen to students' conversations to appreciate the value and benefits of the approach.

Schools and their learners will benefit in many ways from using the approach in teaching.  Please listen to this short clip.  Please also use our examples in supporting practical science and technology in schools and colleges.

Employers and their trainers can:

  • 'Step-up' their mode of delivering information, instruction and training to their apprentices/employees.
  • And benefit from the resulting improvements.

Please read what was said by Gregor McGhee, QHSE Manager, MVV Environment Baldovie Ltd.

"The (LOcHER) projects have provided them (interns) with something different to take to an interview process and has caught employers' attention."

Rules of Engagement

  • Experiments and experiencing practical risk-control learning should not place learners in harm’s way.
  • Any LOcHER associated activity must be undertaken in accordance with the college/employer risk management protocols and procedures. They will include all aspects of health, safety and safe-guarding requirements.
  • Materials and ideas developed will be shared, (when made available), through this website with the full recognition of those involved in the development of an idea, and/or product (e.g. posters, poems, films, board games, PowerPoint presentations, music, demonstration kits and so on).
  • For any additional information about the approach, please write to [email protected]

Promoting the LOcHER approach

The LOcHER Steering Group and HSE are inviting you to promote the achievements to your organisation’s Board, other colleges, local communities, employers and professional bodies.  



Here is a reflection by Angela O’Donoghue CBE. CEO and Principal, South Essex College:

“This was an innovative approach to teaching health and safety which engaged and excited the students making it very relevant to them and their future practice.”

A message from Andy Cathro of Dundee & Angus College about the value of the LOcHER approach.

A song, (on law; dangers of breathing dust and asbestos, and the importance of exposure control), by the construction students of Blackpool and the Fylde College.

A LOcHER demonstration by Professor David Fishwick, Chief Medical Advisor, HSE and a Consultant Respiratory Physician, NHS.