Safety Groups UK

Drugs and Alcohol Awareness

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Development from Within & Simply Drug Testing       Robbie Spencer, D&A Counsellor       [email protected]       01328 853412 / 07760 167768               East Anglia Construction Safety Group


We have been delivering drug and alcohol awareness and testing procedures training to the construction industry for many years and have been the only supplier of this type of training to CITB and the National Construction Colleges. Every apprentice that attends training at one of the colleges has had to attend a 1.5hr awareness session with me as part of their framework. With the impending closure of the colleges and uncertainty about how these young people will be trained, I am concerned that those entering the industry will miss out on important information, that they don't get from the people that take drugs with or their dealers. This may impact considerably on their health and safety and the people they work with, particularly bearing in mind that so many companies are introducing testing procedures in the workplace.  You might find some useful blog articles on our website at (the other part of our business).