Safety Groups UK


The SGUK National Health & Safety Awards are an opportunity to recognise, celebrate and communicate the success of Safety Groups, organisations, and individuals.

SGUK has five main award categories:

SGUK Excellence Awards ­- incorporating the Alan Butler Award to celebrate the excellent work of Safety Groups.

The SGUK Excellence Awards represent an opportunity for each Safety Group to reflect on their performance and achievements over the preceding twelve months.  Their entries enable them to convey this to the independent panel of judges, who are provided valuable insight into each group's work submitting an entry.

SGUK Outstanding Service Awards - incorporating the Maurice Adamson Award to recognise the outstanding work of individuals within Safety Groups.

The SGUK Outstanding Service Award recognises the 'Outstanding contribution from an individual to the Safety Groups Movement'.  An elected Safety Group's Committee member is invited to nominate an individual for the Outstanding Service Award.

SGUK Innovation Awards incorporate the Lord Cullen Trophy to recognise health and safety innovation.

The SGUK Innovation Awards are open to all organisations of any size based or operating in the UK, whether or not they are currently members of SGUK. The aim is to celebrate and share best practices and the latest thinking and innovation in health and safety management.

SGUK Development Through Education Awards - incorporating the SCoS award, recognises health and safety development achieved through education.

The SGUK Development Through Education Awards are open to all organisations of any size based or operating in the UK, whether or not they are currently members of SGUK, that have involved learners of any age in an initiative that demonstrates effective educational engagement to advance health and safety.  This can include those in school, college, apprenticeships, university, or early in their employment who are involved in initiatives whereby awareness of problems and solutions arising from risks has been increased or new solutions to old risk problems have been discovered. 

SGUK H&S Hero Awards  - recognise personal achievements of exceptional individuals making a difference in health and safety. 


  • Entries are made through the SGUK Awards website. 
  • Awards are open to entries from 1st February, with a closing date of 31st May, and the Awards Ceremony in September. 


Judging of the Excellence and Outstanding Service Awards will take place early in June.

Entries for the Innovation and Education Awards will receive an initial evaluation in the first week of June.  Successful entries will progress to the presentation stage, planned for the first week in July.

Entries for the Health and Safety Hero Awards are considered simultaneously, but the presentation stage does not apply.

SGUK Awards - Sponsors

Opportunities to sponsor the SGUK Awards and Award Ceremony are available and provide a valuable platform for organisations that support health and safety excellence to associate themselves with these esteemed free-to-enter Awards.

Further sponsorship information can be requested through the SGUK Awards website. 

Benefits of sponsoring the SGUK Awards:

  • Being involved in one of the UK's most prestigious health and safety awards.
  • Publicity through the SGUK website.
  • Use of sponsor logo and sponsor profile with link to sponsor website.
  • Opportunity to present the award sponsored to the winning entrant at a prestigious event.
  • Opportunity to feature as a case study on the HSE website and social media.
  • Opportunity to showcase ‘Best Practice’ throughout the UK.
  • Being part of the oldest Health and Safety Network in the UK.
  • Press releases and articles in mainstream health and safety magazines.

Excellence Awards, incorporating the Alan Butler Award

The Excellence Awards are sponsored by BT  

In recognition of excellence among groups, we are open to all Health & Safety Groups that are members of SGUK.

Overall Winner

Alan Butler Award

Gold Award Winners

SGUK Awards Gold Certificate

Silver Award Winners

SGUK Awards Silver Certificate

Bronze Award Winners

SGUK Awards Bronze Certificate

Click here to submit your entry online


Maurice Adamson Award for Outstanding Service

In recognition of the outstanding service of an individual nominated by their Health & Safety Group that are members of SGUK.

The winning individual’s name is engraved onto The Maurice Adamson Shield, which they can proudly display for one year.

The winning individual also receives a miniature commemorative shield to keep.

Click here to submit your entry online


Innovation Awards

In recognition of the innovative work being done to raise health and safety standards.

The SGUK Innovation Awards are open to all organisations of any size based or operating in the UK, whether or not they are currently members of a Safety Group. We aim to celebrate and share best practices and the latest thinking and innovation in health and safety management.

It is a condition of entry that entries for the Innovation Awards are made available to be shared, copied, or adapted and used by Safety Groups and other organisations free of charge.

We will conduct an initial assessment of entries after the closing date to determine which entries will be shortlisted to proceed to the next stage, which involves a presentation to the judging panel during a virtual meeting.

Entrants must be willing to present their entry to the judges at a time and date to be advised. The presentation should be no more than 30 minutes, followed by the judges' questions.

The Lord Cullen Trophy is sponsored by idverde  

First place prize winner Lord Cullen Trophy
Safety Group of first place prize winner Albert Porter Rose Bowl
Second-place prize winner Stevenson Shield

Click here to submit your entry online


Development Through Education Awards

In recognition of effective educational engagement of learners of any age to advance health and safety.

This award is for Safety Groups, their member organisations, or other organisations willing to become a member of a Safety Group that have involved learners of any age in an initiative that demonstrates effective educational engagement to advance health and safety.  This is likely to include those in school, at college, in apprenticeships, in university, or early in their employment who are involved in initiatives whereby awareness of problems and solutions arising from risks has been increased or new solutions to old risk problems have been discovered.

It is a condition of entry that entries for the Development Through Education Awards are made available to be shared, copied, or adapted and used by Safety Groups and other organisations free of charge.

We will conduct an initial assessment of entries after the closing date to determine which entries will be shortlisted to proceed to the next stage, which involves a presentation to the judging panel during a virtual meeting.

Entrants must be willing to present their entry to the judges at a time and date to be advised. The presentation should be no more than 30 minutes, followed by the judges' questions.

First place prize winner      SCoS Award, Silver Punch Bowl

You can submit the same item to both the Innovation and Development Through Education Award categories where relevant. Separate entry forms are required.

Click here to submit your entry online


SGUK Health and Safety Hero Awards

To recognise the personal achievement of exceptional individuals making a difference in health and safety.  We want to recognise all Health and Safety Heroes. Although there is one category for the Hero Awards, we would particularly welcome entries for individuals that fit any of these or similar profiles: 

  • Inspiration Hero – ‘Shinning light’ – a model for others to follow, someone who has become an inspiration to others and influenced health and safety in their organisation and/or the wider health and safety community.
  • Veteran Hero‘Personal fortitude’ – a forces veteran succeeding in workplace health and safety, perhaps overcoming personal challenges when applying their forces skills to new H&S roles or developing new H&S skills.
  • Achievement Hero – ‘Going the extra mile’ – someone that stands out as giving much more than the minimum to improve health and safety at work – it could be anyone, perhaps an employee, manager or volunteer.
  • Unsung Hero – ‘Hero of the moment’ – someone who stepped up when needed and did something extraordinary that affected the life of someone at work.

Tell their story and nominate them for an SGUK Health and Safety Hero Award.  Nominations must be for someone based or operating in the UK. This includes individuals in member organisations of local Safety Groups. See the SGUK Outstanding Service Awards for individuals involved with the organisation of a Safety Group.

Click here to submit your entry online

You can also request an Awards Pack, if you don't want to use the online forms.